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Much to fix for Malaysia to become a developed nation

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Much to fix for Malaysia to become a developed nation Empty Much to fix for Malaysia to become a developed nation

Post by Cals Mon 07 Oct 2013, 00:54

Published: Saturday October 5, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM 
Updated: Saturday October 5, 2013 MYT 7:36:03 AM

Much to fix for Malaysia to become a developed nation

WHEN a conversation involves a country categorised as among the most developed countries in the world, it’s often not about just how wealthy the people are.
Talk will divert to just how life is in such a country. People will talk about efficiency of things in general, the quality of life and education, healthcare and a bunch of other intangible things that is normally associated with a high income country.
Streets will be clean and the rule of law is supreme in such countries. Public safety and civil consciousness often ranks highly. Economic development and technological progress will also be notable.
Those countries are also those with low perception or even incidences of corruption.
So when comments are made that Malaysia might achieve developed nation status before the year 2020 and have an average per capita income of US$15,000, that in essence is correct.
Developed nation status is firstly measured by how rich the people in a country are. To be classified as developed, the thinking immediately switches to just how rich are its people.
It’s therefore not surprising to find that Malaysia stands a good chance as any to become one as Malaysia is a very rich country.
It’s an oil producing country. Among the richest tycoons in South-East Asia is Robert Kuok and there are numerous others such as Ananda Krishnan who figure prominently on such a list.
It’s a country where the soil is fertile and people are well trained and educated. These are ingredients that are essential in ensuring wealth is generated on a sustainable basis and here, execution of such programmes to boost wealth, technology and ability are important.
But beyond finances or the ability to make money is where things starts to slip.
For one, crime or the perception of it, although reduced significantly in recent months through better enforcement, is still high. Reports on how people are injured or even killed for a measly amount of money goes to show just how uncivilised things might be on the streets.
Distressed situation
Then there is corruption. Many surveys have painted a distressed situation when it comes to corruption and the incidences of bribery. Some will say it’s almost a culture in Malaysia and this is something that needs correcting fast if Malaysia is to become more than just a statistical developed country.
Then there is the quality of education. The preamble to the Education Blueprint shows how things have deteriorated and it will take at least a generation to fix the mistakes of the past that allowed the quality of education to sour so much.
Public transportation too needs to improve as a developed country generally boasts a top-notch rail and bus service. With the MRT being built, at least that deficiency is being addressed.
Then there is the maintenance culture. Things need to be working, clean and in good condition. There is no point building shiny and expensive things and let it deteriorate due to a lack of care.
In essence, there is so much that needs fixing before Malaysia is truly considered a developed nation in the essence of that status.
Business editor (features) JAGDEV SINGH SIDHU thinks Malaysian can become a true developed nation if there is a will to sort things out.

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