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Rais leaves to Astro's subscribers on tariff hike

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Rais leaves to Astro's subscribers on tariff hike  Empty Rais leaves to Astro's subscribers on tariff hike

Post by hlk Sun 03 Jul 2011, 21:42

KUALA KLAWANG: Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said he will leave it to the subscribers to decide on Astro's wish to increase tariffs for its services.

He said this was for the subscribers to judge.

"I call upon subscribers who oppose the hike to express their concerns to us, but it is clear that Astro wants to stick to their decision for profits without considering the interests of the rural community," he told reporters after visiting residents of Kampung Chennah near here on Saturday, July 2.

He also said that the hike involved legal matters and he left this the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to look into.

Earlier, he attended the launch of Wi-Fi services in Kampung Puom here which was also attended by the ministry's secretary-general, Datuk Kamaruddin Siaraf.

Yesterday, the Cabinet decided that Astro cannot increase the tariffs without clearance from the MCMC and that any increase must be reasonable and conform to the law.

"I feel that it is better for Astro to think of the people and not increase their rates as such. The government must also think of reviewing the satellite television monopoly given to Astro," Rais said. - Bernama

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