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Karex to double production capacity to 4 billion with Pontian factory launch

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Karex to double production capacity to 4 billion with Pontian factory launch Empty Karex to double production capacity to 4 billion with Pontian factory launch

Post by Cals Fri 28 Mar 2014, 19:16

Karex to double production capacity to 4 billion with Pontian factory launch
Business & Markets 2014
Written by Jonathan Gan of theedgemalaysia.com   
Friday, 28 March 2014 17:11

KUALA LUMPUR (Mar 28): Karex Bhd's condom production capacity is expected to double to 4 billion pieces from the current 2 billion, with the launch of its new Pontian factory in Johor.

The world’s largest condom manufacturer held a ground breaking ceremony today for the construction of the groups’ new Pontian factory, according to a press statement today.

Upon completion, the new Pontian factory will be the group’s largest factory, accounting for 67% of the group’s total manufacturing capacity.

Karex said it plans to expand its manufacturing capacity to 6 billion pieces of condom by end-2015.

The group’s other factories are located in Port Klang, Selangor and Hat Yai, Thailand.

The construction of the new factory will strengthen Karex’s position as the world's largest condom manufacturer, contributing significantly towards reducing the spread sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies in the world.

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