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Talam Transform says unaware of new investors

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Talam Transform says unaware of new investors Empty Talam Transform says unaware of new investors

Post by Cals Tue 22 Apr 2014, 19:50

Talam Transform says unaware of new investors
Business & Markets 2014
Written by Ho Wah Foon of theedgemalaysia.com   
Tuesday, 22 April 2014 13:21

KUALA LUMPUR (April 22): Property developer Talam Transform Bhd said today it is unaware of any new investors coming to invest in the company.

The company said this in response to an article published by a newspaper (not from the Edge) yesterday entitled “Talam to get new shareholders”.

“We wish to inform that the company is not aware of any new investors to invest in the company,” Talam Transform told Bursa Malaysia at noon.

The news report yesterday said Talam, founded by Tan Sri Chan Ah Chai, “is working on a restructuring exercise that will see the emergence of new investors and the exit of its existing largest shareholder – Kumpulan Europlus Bhd (KEuro).”

One of the new investors cited was Multi Purpose Holdings Bhd (MPHB), which is controlled by Datuk Surin Upatkoon.

By noon break today, Talam Transform’s share price had risen one sen or 10.5% to end at 10.5 sen per share on trades of 24.94 million shares.

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