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We’re sensitive to price increases

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We’re sensitive to price increases Empty We’re sensitive to price increases

Post by hlk Wed 13 Jul 2011, 19:31

PETALING JAYA: Malaysians are the most price-sensitive shoppers in Southeast Asia, said a survey that also puts them tops in Asia-Pacific when it comes to looking for sales.

As inflation shows no signs of slowing down, Malaysians are becoming more conscious of price increases.

Nielsen Malaysia associate director of retail measurement services Teoh Choon Keat said: “In an inflationary environment, shoppers are exercising more caution when it comes to spending on household items.” The Nielsen Shopper Trends Survey shows that Malaysian shoppers are the second most prolific buyers in Asia-Pacific after those in Vietnam.

“The survey found that 65 per cent of Malaysian shoppers actively search for promotions while shopping ,” Teoh said, adding that sales continued to be the key driver of store traffic.

He was sharing the survey results with the media yesterday.

Earlier, Teoh said mini-markets were becoming more popular in Malaysia.

“The number of mini-markets grew by about 60 per cent from 250 in 2009 to 408 last year, reflecting that the segment was the fastest growing among retail outlets last year.

“Besides store accessibility, mini- markets are competitive in pricing and offer products that are good value for money.”

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