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Shell discovers potential gas field offshore Malaysia

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Shell discovers potential gas field offshore Malaysia Empty Shell discovers potential gas field offshore Malaysia

Post by Cals Fri 18 Apr 2014, 02:29

Shell discovers potential gas field offshore Malaysia
Business & Markets 2014
Written by Jeffrey Tan of theedgemalaysia.com   
Thursday, 17 April 2014 15:39

KUALA LUMPUR (Apr 17): Shell said today it has discovered gas potential at the ‘Rosmari-1’ well, located 135 km offshore Malaysia.

In a statement, Shell said the Rosmari-1 well located in Block SK318 encountered more than 450 metres of gas column after it was drilled to a total depth of 2,123 metres.

“Rosmari-1 is a testament to our ability to successfully drill and build understanding of new geology within our existing exploration heartlands, adding value to our existing assets in Malaysia,” said Andy Brown, Director Shell Upstream International.

Shell Malaysia’s chairman Iain Lo said: “This adds to Shell’s sequence of recent exploration successes in Malaysia, with these discoveries expanding the company’s heartlands positions.”

Block SK318 is operated by Shell with an 85% interest with the balance 15% held by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd. 

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