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Smaller QE3 may be necessary to prevent US double dip recession

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Smaller QE3 may be necessary to prevent US double dip recession Empty Smaller QE3 may be necessary to prevent US double dip recession

Post by hlk Mon 08 Aug 2011, 23:44

PETALING JAYA: With the US economy possibly sliding into a double dip recession soon, there are expectations of a third round of quantitative easing (QE3), which may involve smaller amounts.

“It is not a popular decision but may be the only reaction from the US Fed to keep the economy going,'' said Pong Teng Siew, head of research at Jupiter Securities.

“The Fed has limited options especially with no more government spending to stimulate the economy. Fiscal policy that involves government spending is out in the wake of arguments related to the US debt ceiling where the only acceptable solution to the Republicans is to cut spending, and not raise revenue.

“QE3 may involve smaller purchases of Treasury instruments at the longer end of the yield curve. This may help to drive down the yield where the medium term rates may also move down in tandem. In this way, interest costs may also be reduced.

“This time, there are less resources available, hence probably smaller amounts under QE3. Also, the market itself may reject larger amounts,'' said Pong.

There may be a resultant boost to the stock markets on a smaller scale. However, the European debt problem especially in Italy represents a situation that is likened to an elephant in a room.''

“As long as there are upward pressures in the Italian government bond yields, there will be downward pressure on the stock markets in Europe,'' said Pong, adding that investors should stay light on selected plantation, oil and gas and consumer-related companies.

Bloomberg reported on Friday that the difference in yield, or spread, between Italy's 10-year bond and German bunds widened to 389 basis points on Thursday, after closing at 368 basis points the previous day.
Lee: ‘This time round, headline and core inflation have been creeping up.’

It said Spain's 10-year spread also rose six basis points to 398, as European Central Bank debt purchases failed to reassure investors that officials in the region would solve the sovereign crisis.

QE refers to the Fed's decision to buy US Treasury bonds in an attempt to inject liquidity into the market.

The previous rounds of QE1 and QE2 had not produced a lasting impact on the US economy which is holding the weight of inflation and higher debt levels.

CIMB Investment Bank head of economics Lee Heng Guie said full-year growth estimate for the US economy had been revised from 2%-3% to 1.5%-2%, raising the odds of a double dip recession by 30%.

Moreover, the cut in the US credit rating by Standard & Poor's would have a double whammy impact on the lethargic economic recovery in the US, Lee added.

In a recent update, Lee noted that the US second quarter real gross domestic product growth came in at a tepid annualised rate of 1.3%, short of the 1.8% consensus forecast.

Consumer spending in the United States, hurt by higher gasoline prices and auto chain supply disruptions, rose by only 0.1% (2.1% in Q1), the slowest in two years.

“We expect the Fed to take more actions, such as buying of bonds, if the economy appears in danger of stalling,'' said Lee.

However, he does not think that inflation and inflation expectations are heading towards the point which would prompt the Fed to consider further large asset purchases.

Lee recalled that before the second phase of quantitative easing (QE2) was implemented, the trend of disinflation and deflationary risk formed a strong case for the Fed to pump in extra liquidity.

“This time round, headline and core inflation have been creeping up,'' he said. “With inflation and unemployment rising at the same time, the Fed will find it difficult to justify yet another cash injection.''

Should the Fed detect firmer signs that the US economy is faltering, it may:

Adjust forward guidance to push back timing expectations on the first rate hike.

Shift back market expectations on when it will shrink its balance sheet. (In April, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke had signalled that the Fed may reinvest the proceeds from its bond purchase when they mature).

Intervene in the credit market through direct loans or adjust interest rates payable on bank reserves to spur bank lending.

Other economists expect slower growth in the United States but not necessarily recession.

A banker told StarBiz that banks in general were adopting a cautious stance in view of the world and eurozone economic conditions.

“The US leaders have mainly taken temporary measures but the real issues like debt are not addressed,'' he said. “The debt problem remains while their agreements have to be bipartisan.

“From their behaviour, there seems to be a lot of politicking in the US especially on the economy. As a world leader, that does not give a good picture to the whole world.

Their decision to cut US$2.4 trillion or more in spending in ten years will have an impact on the world economy. Hopefully, for Malaysia, the economic transformation projects and its own economic growth will provide the momentum forward.

“The business is there but banks have turned cautious on lending and are diversifying into services, fee-based income, niche areas and wealth management,'' said the banker.

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